Writing Tutors in Fairfield, California Area
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Fairfield, CA

$85 / hour
Featured as the ASL model in the books: ""American Sign Language Workbook: Exercises to Build Your Signing Vocabulary"", ""American Sign Language for Beginners: Learn Signing Essentials in 30 Days"" by Rochelle Barlow, ""American Sign Language Dictionary for Beginners"" by Tara Adams and...

Pleasant Hill, CA

$100 / hour
Hi! My name is Mijin. I graduated from Oberlin College in 2000 with a BA in Creative Writing and Visual Arts. I received my MA in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) and a Certificate in the Teaching of Post-Secondary Reading from San Francisco State University in 2005...

San Pablo, CA

$50 / hour
I'm David. I have a Master's degree in History from San Jose State and a B.A. from Santa Clara, where I was cum laude; I am also a member of Phi Beta Kappa, Phi Alpha Theta (History Honors Society), and Eta Sigma Phi (Classics Honors Society). I was ABD (All But Dissertation) in the Ph.D...

Fairfield, CA

$60 / hour
Hello everyone, my name is Razzan Z. I have M.A. in English Literature from Sonoma State University and a PhD. in Education from the University of California, Davis. After I received my B.A. in English Literature from Damascus, Syria I established an ESL language center where I used multi-media...

Concord, CA

$55 / hour
I graduated with honors from UCLA's competitive Teacher Education Program, and have since moved to the Bay Area to pursue a career in education. I am credentialed in both Mathematics and English Language Arts. I specialize in teaching Foundational Mathematics, and have a great deal of experience...

Davis, CA

$40 / hour
I received my Bachelor’s Degree is Ecology from Swarthmore College in 2019. While in undergrad, I worked as both a teaching assistant and individual tutor for the biology department. Since graduating, I split my time evenly between Ecology field work and private tutoring at the K-12 level. I s...

Pleasant Hill, CA

$45 / hour
As a local Saint Mary's graduate, and East Bay teacher I have a unique ability to connect with many of my students on many different levels. ***I was a double major in Philosophy and Politics at Saint Mary's College. During undergrad I was able to study with the most politically opposed...

San Pablo, CA

$50 / hour
In 2011, I retired from teaching English and Theater at a high school in Southern California. In 26 years of teaching I served as Director of Performing Arts and English department co-chair. In those capacities, I taught classes to all levels of English Language Learners and native speakers...

Martinez, CA

$50 / hour
I have been teaching and working with students for over 30 years. My areas of expertise include, English, Fine Arts, History, Physical Education and Art. I taught dance in Fine Arts schools for 10 years in both the midwest and in California. For the past two years, I have been a substitute...

Antioch, CA

$54 / hour
I am a credentialed English Language Arts educator in my 7th year of teaching. I earned my bachelor's degree in English with a focus in creative writing, and my master's degree in education. I have taught both middle school and high school spanning the ages of 11-18. My teaching style has always...

Vacaville, CA

$40 / hour
Hello, my name is Hope. While I have no professional experience tutoring, I worked at an elementary school part time and helped students with their homework. I am currently a nursing student going for my bachelors degree, so my times may change in the future. As a student, I feel comfortable...

Vallejo, CA

$30 / hour
I am currently a college and university teacher with many years of teaching both K-12 students, college students, and adult education students. Subjects I teach include computer networking, programming, office applications, GIS, math, screenwriting, physics, electronics, chemistry and graphics...

Fairfield, CA

$40 / hour
I have extensive reading, writing, and editing experience. I completed four years at UC Santa Barbara with an extensive curriculum in political science, writing, and French courses while completing internships for reading, writing, and editing for national authors and attorneys. I then read,...

Pleasant Hill, CA

$40 / hour
I graduated from Carondelet High School this month and will be attending Vassar College in the fall. I have experience tutoring as a member of my school’s National Honor Society, as well as through volunteering through my local library’s Homework Help program. I am truly passionate about lea...

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Writing Tutors near Fairfield
Fairfield Writing Tutors
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