Vincent N. - top rated tutor

Fairfield Vincent N. Tutors Fairfield Students in Fairfield, CA
American Canyon, CA
35 miles Travel Radius
In-person + Online
I earned my bachelor's degree in microbiology and immunology from the University of California-Merced, the smallest school in the UC system. Being at one of the smallest schools had its advantages including a strong sense of community. During college, I had numerous chances to help my peers and others study and with their homework. My tutoring style is to learn why my students are struggling and not just what they are struggling with. As a tutor, I don't just hold my student's hands or drill them with an overload of information. What I do is look into how they can improve in test taking and learning overall. Also I can help with math and algebra 2. When I am not tutoring, I enjoy foraging, comedy, cooking, computers, and... read more
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